Anne Chanteux

Profile picture for user Anne Chanteux
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Pays d'origine du parent 2
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HEC LIEGE (Université de Liège)
Chef de travaux et chargée de cours
Langue(-s) parlée(-s)



Anne Chanteux is an Assitant Professor in the Finance, Accounting and Law Department of HEC Management School - University of Liège . She currently teaches cost accounting and management control systems at BAC and MA levels. She also teaches the latter course at IFAG (Institut de la Francophonie pour l Administration et la Gestion) in Sofia and to students in occupational medicine at ULg. She graduated with a Master (2nd cycle) in commercial and financial sciences and a MBA in Business Administration (3rd cycle) from HEC Liège and holds various teaching certificates. She has also taken part to various research projects led at European level as regards management control system and management performance tools, and the Balanced Scorecard in particular. Parallel to her teaching activities, she is a trainer and consultant in business management as regards financial accounting, financial analysis, cost accounting, budgeting process and scorecard management. She has co-authored (with Wilfried Niessen) Tableaux de bord et business plan.

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